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ROVing a Mine in Vermont

I In June 2023, seasoned explorer Mike Sandone and I embarked on a fascinating journey into the historic Vermont Mine. The mission? To shed light on the mine’s upper workings using LIDAR technology and inspect any submerged winzes using remote-operated vehicles (ROVs).


Initial investigations were slightly underwhelming; the first few winzes we plunged our ROV into were not as impressive as we had hoped. Yet, we held onto our determination and persistence, which was soon rewarded. Within the primary adit, we discovered an impressive winze, filled with crystal clear water that revealed a captivating underwater world.


Railway tracks could be seen distinctly, descending at an angle of at least 20 degrees into the watery depths. As our ROV ventured deeper, the water’s clarity remained consistent, allowing us to traverse a whopping 430 feet horizontally and delve an equivalent of 15 stories deeper beneath the ground.


Our perseverance culminated in a collection of impressive underwater footage showcasing artifacts still remarkably preserved in the mine’s submerged recesses. These timeless treasures served as a silent yet powerful testament to the rich history of this Vermont mine, now hidden beneath layers of time and water.

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July 16, 2023


Expedition, Historical, mine