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Exploring Deep Under the Mountain

WWe recently explored a Large Flooded Iron Mine with an ROV. It has one of the largest stopes you will find in the highlands of upper state NY. At the base of the mountain the mine lives in, there is a small adit. Our goal was to try to locate this adit deep inside the flooded section of the mine. Since the entrance to the mine is at the top of the mountain, this required us hiking up to the top, and then back down close to the base of the mountain, but on the inside. The steep slope of the passage downward made it much more difficult to hike deep into the mine. In the end we penetrated the mountain close to 300’ before finding the flooded portion. From that point on we navigated downward with the ROV Robo-Teddy. After paying out 400’ of tether and reaching over 88′ deeper underwater, we hit a dead end.

Additional Info

Deep Iron Mine in NY


November 1, 2022


Historical, mine

Deep, Flooded, Mine, Underground