Search for the Lost Mine Shaft

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Michael Girard exiting the mine. Image Courtney of Micheal Sandone

Valuable minerals like gold, copper, lead, silver, and iron were one of the major motivations that lead early colonist to the New England. Almost immediately they found these precious metals, but their excitement was short lived. It wasn’t long before they realized that the small quantities of these metals uncovered made it an unprofitable venture. These mines were shut down and never returned to again. Quickly they were flooded by ground water seepage creating a time capsule of the last work day of these colonial miners. For almost 300 years no one has been able to access what lies hidden deep in these flooded passages and shafts. .

Fellow explorer Mike Sandone recently discovered a previously hidden passage in one of these colonial mines. Concealed by a collapse was a room with a shaft downward. Records had spoken of this mine containing a shaft that went deep into the ground to a large drift. Though Mike was excited to find this shaft that might lead to the drift, he was faced with a problem, it was flooded. To overcome this issue Mr. Sandone teamed up with Mike Girard to see what artifacts might be hidden below the dark waters of these shafts.

Here is a short documentary Mr. Sandone did of this expedition.

Find out more about Michael’s ROVs here:

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